Lentiviral Vectors & Virus

As a leader in lentiviral technology, abm offers an affordable, comprehensive collection of human, mouse and rat genes cloned into ready-to-use lentiviral vectors or packaged lentivirus for gene over-expression studies within a wide range of host cells. 

Search our Ready-to-Use Libraries by selecting the appropriate dropdowns and entering the gene name, symbol or accession number:

Advantages of the Lentivirus System:

  • Large insert capacity (up to 9kb)
  • High infection efficiency
  • Broad host range (dividing, non-dividing, stem cells, and primary cells)
  • Stable integration & expression of recombinant proteins
  • Ideal for the creation of stable cell lines

Can't find the lentivirus that you're looking for? Design your own vector with our Plasmid Planner.

Check out our additional Lentivirus Collections:

Additional Information

  • ready-to-use lentiviral vectors and viruses workflow
    Lentivirus Workflow
    View our simplfied workflow with ready-to-use lentiviral vectors and viruses.
  • Lentivirus Infectivity Data
    Our Lentivirus Infectivity Data Speaks for Itself
    Functional expression of channelrhodopsin-2 Lentivirus C.reinhardtii (ABM, LVP010100).
  • abm's human OVOL1 Lentiviral Vector (Cat.No. LV250917)
    Achieve Up To 300 Fold Over-Expression
    qPCR amplification of human OVOL1 after transfection with abm's human OVOL1 Lentiviral Vector (Cat.No. LV250917).

Top Publications

01 Developmental alterations in Huntington’s disease neural cells and pharmacological rescue in cells and mice.

HD iPSC Consortium.
Nature Neuroscience 20(5):648-660 (2017).

DOI: 10.1038/nn.4532. PubMed: 28319609.
02 Targeted degradation of BET proteins in triple-negative breast cancer Cancer Research.

Bai, L., et al.
Cancer Res 77(9):1–12 (2017)

DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-2622. PubMed: 28209615.
03 Nitric oxide mediates aortic disease in mice deficient in the metalloprotease Adamts1 and in a mouse model of Marfan syndrome.

Oller, J., et al.
Nature Medicine 23.2:200+ (2017).

DOI: 10.1038/nm.4266


I also need an empty vectors as a control, how do I go about ordering this?
Please see our listings of available blank control vectors and viruses. We can also produce custom control vectors upon request, please email technical@abmgood.com with specific inquiries
Which packaging system should I use, 2nd or 3rd generation?
All of abm's lentviral vectors are compatible with 2nd and 3rd generation packaging systems LV003 and LV053 available from abm . Please note, only packaging mixes produced by abm have been tested in house and therefore carry our guarantee for high titer virus production. If it is desirable to use other packaging plasmids obtained from a different source, the compatibility must be tested and determined by the end user.