Custom Baculovirus

Several unique features of the Baculovirus System make this virus very appealing for preventive or therapeutic gene transfer. These include:

  • The ability to generate large amounts of recombinant protein
  • Expression of genes from bacteria, viruses, plants, and mammals at levels from 1-500mg/L
  • Several post-translational modifications possible; phosphorylation, glycosylation, and acylation

By pairing this technology with our expertise in virus packaging, abm offers custom Baculovirus subcloning and virus production, allowing high-level gene expression in insect cells.


Additional Resources:

"If I have any special needs or concerns, they are always dealt with by the Technical Support Team. I have always been pleased with the product and will continue to use this service for my research."

John Teem, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services

Service Details

Custom Baculovirus Production
Service Name Unit CAT. NO. PRICE
Custom Baculovirus Production (106 IU/ml) 10ml C148 $750.00
Custom Baculovirus Production (107 IU/ml) 2 x 200µl C149 $1550.00
Baculovirus Controls
Service Name Unit CAT. NO. PRICE
Baculovirus GFP Control Virus (106 IU/ml) 10ml BV001 $695.00
Baculovirus GFP Control Virus (107 IU/ml) 2 x 200µl BV002 $1495.00



  1. For C148, please supply at least 10µg of purified Bacmid DNA, at a concentration of >0.2 ug/ul. 
  2. For C149, please supply at least 20µg of purified Bacmid DNA, at a concentration of >0.2 ug/ul. 
  3. For customer-supplied vectors, the customer must indicate prior to the service if any reporter expression will be expected or not. The expected reporter expression, e.g. GFP, should not require induction of expression. Due to differences in excitation/emission wavelengths for different fluorophores, we may not be able to provide infection images for fluorescent reporter expression other than standard GFP/RFP/mCherry.

Additional Info

An overview of abm’s custom Baculovirus service:

Baculovirus is a helper-independent viral system that is used to express heterologous genes. Because of their ability to efficiently infect a wide range of hosts, and their capacity to generate high yields of gene targets, the Baculovirus Expression Vector System (BEVS) has shown considerable promise to establish long-term gene expression in most cells. Polyhedrin and p10 are considered non-essential genes when Baculovirus is in culture, allowing the coding sequences to be replaced with a sequence for the target protein. Compared to bacterial expression systems, the post-translational processing and folding of recombinant proteins produced in insect cells more closely resembles mammalian processes, and the yields of functional protein are often much greater.

Step 1: Virus Generation 
  • Transfection of Sf9 insect cells with expression bacmid
  • Plaque purification and viral titer assay
  • Estimated time: around 4-6 weeks 

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What advantages does a Baculovirus expression system provide?
Baculovirus expression systems can be used when bacterial expression is not feasible and also when a target protein with post-translational modifications is needed for functional and structural studies.
What is the biosafety level for Baculovirus?
Baculovirus does not infect human cells and is considered safe to work with in BSL1. However, please check with your institution's Biosafety Department for more information about the rules and regulations set by your institution.   


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